5 reasons to choose alu clad windows for your home
Alu clad timber windows are the latest innovation made of high-quality timber on the inside that is protected from the elements by an aluminium cladding on the outside. They’re not only more aesthetically pleasing than uPVC and aluminium windows, thanks to the beautiful timber frame inside, but they also provide far better insulation, keeping your home naturally warm.
Here are the key benefits and our top 5 reasons why you need aluminium clad timber windows in your home.

1. Unmatched performance & energy efficiency
There’s a reason alu clad timber windows are considered the next generation of glazing. Their unrivalled energy efficiency, durability and low maintenance are turning them into a preferred solution for the modern sustainable home.
Thanks to cutting edge technology alu clad timber windows have a superb energy efficiency compared to uPVC, aluminium and other alu clad options on the market. They provide an amazing overall U values of 0.8W/m2K even with double glazing, making them Part L and Passive House compliant. This means your home will stay warm during the winter and will not overheat during the summer months.

2. The sustainable choice
Alu clad windows are more sustainable than uPVC, aluminium or timber-only options. Again, we take it to the next level by only using windows made from PEFC certified forests. This means that by choosing our alu clad windows you can lower your CO2 emissions and your energy bills, contributing to the Net Zero goal and to a greener future for our planet.

3. Maintenance free life
Another added benefit is that unlike traditional timber frames which require painting and varnishing, alu clad wooden windows need virtually no maintenance. All you will need to do to maintain them is wash and clean the exterior! Easy.

4. Unmatched durability
Alu clad windows are built to last. These highly-durable windows that are expected to last twice as long as aluminium windows (at least 60 years). This makes alu clad windows an excellent investment for your home that will pay off in time.

5. Unsurpassed aesthetics and design possibilities
Alu clad timber windows are more aesthetically pleasing, as you can have the warm feeling of timber on the inside with the added benefit of protection from the elements on the outside.
If you choose our alu clad windows you will get an unsurpassed design freedom. We offer an unmatched variety of frame designs – from traditional styles to ultra slim frames, 38 standard colours and finishes, or you can even choose a custom RAL colour!
Interested? Get in touch today!
Contact us today to learn more about how you can transform your home with alu clad windows or browse our range now.
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